Wednesday, March 6, 2013

SPRING FORWARD! That's right - Get more sunshine!

I LOVE Springtime! This means it's a time of refreshing and people tend to be more happier. Why? We get the time change - so we have daylight longer and more sunshine! It also means that summer is just around the corner!! Occasion - Spring

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Prince Charming is Not a Financial Plan

Prince Charming is Not a Financial Plan

When we were younger girls, it was all about romance and playing with Barbie™. Do you ever remember having your Barbie™ sit at the play table with her friends and witness them discussing how they were going to finance that dream camper vacation or afford that brand new convertible they wanted? After all, that was the land of make believe and all in good fun, right?

Now that we’re older the reality sets in and we’re dealing with challenging life lessons and responsibilities. Does this mean fun is over? The answer to that is an outstanding no! It doesn’t mean that your dreams have to be put on hold. In wanting or waiting for Prince Charming doesn’t exactly mean you should be held back nor truly, is that the way to creating wealth, financial independence or monetary gain we’re all deserving of. Making those dreams a reality is possible.

Whether or not “Prince Charming” is in your life doesn’t mean your financial goals should be put on hold. In what used to be a heavily male-dominated industry, many women are finding success in real estate and investing. There are many ways to create wealth and achieve the lifestyle you desire.

Some of the steps to get started on your financial path of happiness are aligning yourself with like-minded individuals, networking, having a mentor, reading local real estate articles and books, and educating yourself and having the right team behind you. Develop an understanding about Real estate investing and know that it’s not as intimidating as you think. The purchase of the first property is the biggest hurdle and challenge. Each opportunity and deal will be different, but essentially, the fundamentals are all the same and with each deal, you’ll gain more confidence.

 It’s important to note that it’s not about “being rich” but creating wealth and securing your future. Essentially the goal is that whether you’re single or with a partner, financially, you’ll be ok. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this forward thinking. I’m sure even Barbie™ would agree with that while she’s off to pick up Ken™ for their date!

Happy investing!

Monday, March 4, 2013

International Women's Day 2013 - Engaging Men

International Women's Day 2013

Working Together: Engaging Men to End Violence against Women

On International Women's Day, Canadians participate in a worldwide celebration of women, peace and human rights. Canada's theme for International Women's Day 2013 is Working Together: Engaging Men to End Violence against Women.
As this theme suggests, violence against women affects us all, and everyone – menand women – must be part of the solution.
On International Women's Day 2013, we call on all Canadians to work together to end violence against women. Violence is not just a women's issue: men have key roles to play in making our country safe for everyone.
A survey for the White Ribbon Campaign found 75% of men felt it was very important to speak out on violence against women, and 66% felt they could be doing more.
Canada's theme aligns with United Nations Commission on the Status of Women's theme for its 57th session, Elimination and prevention of all forms of violence against women and girls. The meeting will take place in New York from March 4 to 15, 2013.
On International Women's Day and throughout International Women's Week 2013 (Sunday, March 3 to Saturday, March 9), join Canadians from coast to coast as we reflect on the impacts of violence against women and commit to helping end it.

HistoryThe idea for an International Women's Day arose around the turn of the 20th century out of a long-standing movement for women to participate equally in society.
The first International Women's Day was observed on March 19, 1911 in Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland.  That day, more than one million women and men showed their support by participating in public events.  Between 1913 and 1917, women in Russia and elsewhere in Europe began to celebrate the day as well.
Over time, International Women's Day has grown to become a global day of recognition and celebration. The theme was expanded by the United Nations in 1975 with the International Women's Year. By 1977, the United Nations had adopted a resolution designating March 8 as International Women's Day.  Today, International Women's Day is a national holiday in many countries and celebrated in many more.
Each year, March 8 and the week of March 8 provide an opportunity to take stock of our progress towards gender equality and to honour the contributions women have made and are making — both in Canada and around the world.

Looking for events Canada-Wide? Look for local listings in your area or check here

UNA-Canada says:

Suggested Activities for International Women's Day
Many activities about women’s issues can be planned.  The following are only examples of the kinds of activities which can be organized to mark International Women’s Day:
  • Research and make a display to highlight key Canadian women’s rights advocates.  Women in History website can provide a start at:
  • Take a quiz on Women and Work in Canada at:
  • Highlight the contributions of Canadian women.  Information on Canadian women in various fields can be found at National Library of Canada’s website at:
  • Screen a video on the status or rights of women in Canada.  National Film Board of Canada has many interesting titles at:
  • Invite guest speakers from your community to discuss women’s rights issues.  This could be a roundtable, panel discussion or informal discussion group. 
  • Read a biography or autobiography of a famous Canadian woman. Suggest this as an idea for your book club. 
  • Distribute information about International Women’s Day or women’s achievements.  Women in World History website contains valuable information.  Use it to write a column for your school newspaper.
  • Find out about International Women’s Day events in your community and advertise them and encourage students to attend.
  • Network and exchange information with other community groups working to promote women’s rights.
  • Obtain a copy of the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women.  Discuss its various clauses and how to ensure that it respected.