Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Quick Thoughts for the day to leave you with...

How to conquer evil with good-Buddha style:

One day a man walked up to Buddha and said insult after insult to him.

Buddha just turned to the man and said: "If someone offers you a gift and you decline to accept it, to whom then does it belong?"

The man said: "it belongs to the person who offered it."

Buddha smiled and said "That is correct. So if I decline to accept your abuse does it not then still belong to you?"

The man was speechless and walked away.

Awesome strategy to live by don't you think? Don't be afraid to decline that "gift".

Love, be loved, live your life on your terms.
Wish you much success in health, wealth and happiness :)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Barrie Women - Are You Wealthylicious?

Women: Last opportunity for you to sign up for Barrie Wealthylicious! I have been asked to be one of the "expert" speakers on the topic of real estate investing. There are two other experts in their field/industry speaking as well. Please click on the link

It's at SuiteWorks Barrie Tues June 14th from 7-9. Investment of only $10 when you reserve online. Could change your life, your future!

A Symposium for Women, by Women, on Wealth & Wellness Creation
Join us for an exclusive seminar where you will:
  • Learn the truth about money and cash flow that no one ever told you
  • Discover 3 proven ways to increase your wealth
  • Uncover the most common myths about women and money and bust them
  • Delve into today's financial realities and discover how you can be an exception to the statistics
  • Find out how to create optimal wealth and health simultaneously
  • Understand more about Residual Income Streams and ways to create them

Presented by Game Changers International.

Tuesday, June 14th, SuiteWorks - Townhall,
 92 Caplan Ave. 
Barrie ON
RSVP is required to attend this event.
We have an amazing lineup of speakers for this incredible evening!

*Leanne Grechulk - Founder of HealthyGirl & Author of "30 Days to Wealth"
*Shannon Murree - Real estate professional, multi-faceted business woman aspiring to empower women & all people in home ownership, rentals, rent to own or real estate investing.
*Shelly Matsos - Founder of Sexy Monkey
*Brittany Prentice - Wellness Coach & Enlightened Entrepreneur

Final Day - Please Support This Cause (No Money - Just a Click to Vote!)

Help choose |New Beginnings" for the Barrie Women & Children's Shelter for The Keg's 40th Anniversary Thanks a Million Grant Program. Voting ends today, Tuesday, June 14th! Click here to vote and see below about why the money is so important!

About "New Beginnings"

'New Beginnings' will provide Transitional or Second Stage Housing for both women & children leaving the shelter & transitioning to the community or to women & children remaining in the community who are leaving abusive relationships. Housing will offer affordable, individual family apartments and the support of Outreach Services such as Housing, Legal Advocacy, Group & Individual Counselling & Safety Planning on the Base floor of the building.

There is a severe affordable housing shortage in Simcoe County. New Beginnings housing will address the sobering reality we face when a woman returns to her abuser because she is unable to manage on her own financially. This project will help families move forward with Hope and Opportunity; a New Beginning.

Barrie Police receive 137 calls a month concerning violence against women. 1 in 4 children have watched their mother being abused. 75% of these children will become perpetrators or victims of violence themselves unless there is intervention, counselling and the opportunity to move forward.

Our shelter is most often over capacity. We have approximately 1500 families access our services annually from the the Barrie community. We regularly have to move families from Women & Children's Shelter of Barrie to another shelter as they have stayed for over four months and have yet to find affordable housing in Barrie.

With this grant funding, we will renovate an existing apartment building in Barrie to provide safe and affordable housing while at the same time providing a supportive environment for families to move forward on their own in our community. Families will be able to stay for a period of up to 1 year at which time they will be able to move forward safely on their own, with continued support from our Outreach team.

Renovations will take 8 months to complete and will include enhanced security and lighting surrounding the building as well as renovations to move our Outreach staff to the building of 'New Beginnings'.

We believe in the value of each life and empowerment through respect - 'New Beginnings' will show families in Simcoe County that the community is supportive of each life. The #1 reason influencing whether a woman will leave an abusive relationship is a visible increase in the level of community support - PLEASE show your support for this initiative!

For more about the Barrie Shelter (if you or know of anyone suffering abuse or perhaps would like to make a donation) go to the http://BarrieShelter.com

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Click...Save Some Lives, Make A Difference - Doesn't cost you a cent!

'New Beginnings' will provide Transitional or Second Stage Housing for both women & children leaving the shelter & transitioning to the community or to women & children remaining in the community who are leaving abusive relationships. Housing will offer affordable, individual family apartments and the support of Outreach Services such as Housing, Legal Advocacy, Group & Individual Counselling & Safety Planning on the Base floor of the building.

There is a severe affordable housing shortage in Simcoe County. New Beginnings housing will address the sobering reality we face when a woman returns to her abuser because she is unable to manage on her own financially. This project will help families move forward with Hope and Opportunity; a New Beginning.

Barrie Police receive 137 calls a month concerning violence against women. 1 in 4 children have watched their mother being abused. 75% of these children will become perpetrators or victims of violence themselves unless there is intervention, counselling and the opportunity to move forward.

Our shelter is most often over capacity. We have approximately 1500 families access our services annually from the the Barrie community. We regularly have to move families from Women & Children's Shelter of Barrie to another shelter as they have stayed for over four months and have yet to find affordable housing in Barrie.

With this grant funding, we will renovate an existing apartment building in Barrie to provide safe and affordable housing while at the same time providing a supportive environment for families to move forward on their own in our community. Families will be able to stay for a period of up to 1 year at which time they will be able to move forward safely on their own, with continued support from our Outreach team.

Renovations will take 8 months to complete and will include enhanced security and lighting surrounding the building as well as renovations to move our Outreach staff to the building of 'New Beginnings'.

We believe in the value of each life and empowerment through respect - 'New Beginnings' will show families in Simcoe County that the community is supportive of each life. The #1 reason influencing whether a woman will leave an abusive relationship is a visible increase in the level of community support - PLEASE show your support for this initiative click here to vote for the shelter. It doesn't cost you a penny and only a few seconds daily of your life.....it can help save lives!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Don't Be Financially Abused...

Did you know? There's another abuse of another kind you may not be aware of: Financial Abuse. What is it? 

It means having no access to the family's money. The woman may live in a comfortable house, wear good clothing, have children who are well-equipped with toys and luxuries, but have no control over what is spent or saved, over what moneys come into the family, or over any decisions about what will be bought. She is allowed no money for personal use.

From what I understand and read, it can can occur in any marriage and is often ignored because no physical harm is involved. This financial abuse is rarely discussed in therapy circles because it takes a back seat to physical, verbal or sexual abuse. Suffice it to say it can still be just as emotionally devastating to a woman.

Imagine your friend, a once vibrant woman who, when single, had a good corporate job, earned an excellent salary and had the respect of her colleagues at work. One day she meets the man of her dreams and falls in love. They get married, but little does she know that he wants her to stay home and be a full-time homemaker. She becomes pregnant even if she isn't ready to be a mother. Deep down, she feels that she is happiest when pursuing her career.

What are the signs?
  • Telling his wife to quit her job so she can stay home and take care of the kids.
  • Confiscating his wife's assets and other financial resources and forbidding her from handling money or incurring expenses that he does not allow.
  • Using his wife's financial assets to his advantage and depriving her of her rights to enjoy what is financially and rightfully hers.
  • Taking away his wife's credit cards and providing only a sufficient amount of money to pay for the day-to-day.
A variation of this economic abuse is also apparent in a relationship where the husband allows his wife to work, but regains control of her pay checque and does not give her the opportunity to make any financial decisions.

Are you in a marriage or relationship, or know of others suffering this abuse? There is a way out. Know your rights and ultimately, put yourself (and children if you have any) first. They'll learn by the lead and example you set. Be strong and if you have a daughter, would you want her to accept any less?

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

STROKE IS URGENT: The Heart and Stroke Foundation 2011 Stroke Report warns stroke awareness is dangerously low among women

Foundation launches free Smartphone apps to help turn the tide for all Canadians
June 01, 2011
Ottawa – The Heart and Stroke Foundation 2011 Stroke Month Report warns that awareness levels of stroke warning signs and stroke prevention is dangerously low among all women, especially among women from Canada’s two largest visible minorities – people of Chinese and South Asian descent.
The Foundation polling found that women are not aware that stroke and heart disease is their leading cause of death:
  • For Canadian women overall, 53 per cent are unable to identify that stroke and heart disease are their leading cause of death − and responsible for one in three deaths.1
  • For women of Chinese and South Asian origin, 84 per cent are unable to identify that stroke and heart disease are their leading cause of death.2

Awareness has improved steadily thanks to the Foundation's The Heart Truth campaign, which continues to inform and empower women to take action to reduce their risks. Before the campaign started three years ago, 68 per cent of women didn't know stroke and heart disease was their leading cause of death.3
“Heart disease and stroke are the leading cause of death in women,” says Heart and Stroke Foundation spokesperson, Dr. Frank Silver. “The real tragedy is that 80 per cent of strokes are preventable, whether you’re a man or a woman.”

Stroke affects women and men of all ages. More than 50,000 strokes occur in Canada every year – one every 10 minutes. About 300,000 Canadians live with the effects of stroke. According to the Heart and Stroke Foundation, more women than men die from stroke annually. In Canada stroke kills 32 per cent more women than men.

A previous analysis of Canadian deaths shows that stroke death rates are highest among women of Chinese origin, intermediate among women of South Asian origin, and lowest among women of European origin.

Women need better stroke detectors
Women’s awareness of stroke warning signs is poor. The Foundation poll found that only 53 per cent of South Asian women were able to correctly identify at least two of the five warning signs – lower than the overall Canadian average for women of 62 per cent.

When asked to identify at least three warning signs, only a third of all women polled could do so.

“Canadian women need to be better stroke detectors,” says Dr. Silver. “We need to do all we can to build awareness of the warning signs and help women reduce their risk from death or disability from stroke.”

HSF poll: women’s awareness of the stroke symptoms/warning signs

Stroke warning sign
Chinese women
*March 2011
South Asian women
*March 2011
All Canadian women
**December 2009 
Sudden loss of strength/numbness in face/arm/leg, even if temporary483750
Sudden difficulty speaking/understanding/confusion, even if temporary302442
Sudden loss of balance, especially with other signs272735
Sudden trouble with vision, even if temporary181628
Sudden severe/unusual headache15920
Don’t know/No answer182215
*Environics (March, 2011)
** Environics (December, 2009)

“Stroke is urgent. Knowing and reacting immediately to stroke warning signs is essential,” says Dr. Silver, who notes that there is a treatment for strokes caused by blood clots, the most common type of stroke. This treatment must be administered within the first few hours of warning signs to be effective. “Canadians must react urgently to the warning signs by calling 9-1-1 or their local emergency number,” says Dr. Silver. 

Women underestimate their risk factors when it comes to strokeEqually concerning, 23 per cent of all women could not name even one risk factor for stroke. Only 29 per cent of Chinese women and 22 per cent of South Asian women identified high blood pressure, which is in fact the leading risk factor for stroke.
Women overall also had low awareness of stroke risk factors. For example, only 28 per cent recognized high blood pressure as a risk factor and only 20 per cent identified high cholesterol.
Following a lower-sodium diet and controlling high blood pressure, being physically active and smoke-free can significantly reduce stroke risk.

“The very face of our communities is changing. Heart disease and stroke are increasingly crossing age, gender, and ethnic lines,” says Dr. Silver.  “It’s important that Canadians of all ethnic backgrounds be aware of how to prevent stroke.”

HSF poll: women’s awareness of the stroke risk factors 

Stroke risk factor
Chinese women
*March 2011
South Asian women
*March 2011
All Canadian women
**December 2009 
High blood pressure (hypertension)292228
High cholesterol levels241920
Family history16511
Physical inactivity22159
Heart disease455
Excessive alcohol consumption464
Don’t know/No answer162023
*Environics (March, 2011)
** Environics (December, 2009)

There was even lower awareness of the other risk factors of stroke (gender, ethnicity, and personal history of stroke or TIA).
Foundation launches two stroke apps to help Canadians lower their risk
To help all Canadians lower their risk for stroke, the Heart and Stroke Foundation created two new free Smartphone apps that will allow them to make simple lifestyle changes – wherever they are.
“The digital age has created a new avenue for healthcare – and the Foundation is embracing the technology to support the health of Canadians,” says Dr. Marco Di Buono, spokesperson for the Foundation. “With a continued focus on reducing all risks, we can stop strokes from robbing us of valuable, quality years of life.”
The My Heart&Stroke Health Check Recipe Helper Smartphone app
By eating a diet that is lower in sodium, Canadians can prevent and control high blood pressure, the number one cause of stroke. The new My Heart&Stroke Health Check Recipe Helper app provides Canadians with a quick and easy resource to help lower the amount of sodium (salt) in their diets. The app features dozens of heart-healthy, lower-sodium recipes that come with grocery lists, main ingredient searches, and comprehensive nutrition information. Health Check™ is one way the Foundation helps Canadians make healthy choices and is based on Canada’s Food Guide.

A 2007 Heart and Stroke Foundation and Canadian Stroke Network study showed that reducing salt intake by half would eliminate high blood pressure in one million Canadians.

“Our Health Check registered dietitians selected these recipes based on strict criteria for the amount of sodium and fat content,” says Dr. Di Buono. “Canadians can trust that the recipes are healthy.” The recipes include a variety of options for salad, soup, vegetarian, meat, poultry, and seafood meals.

With the app, Canadians can create a grocery shopping list and rate their favourite recipes. It will be regularly updated with new recipes and features.

The My Heart&Stroke Blood Pressure Action Plan app

“High blood pressure − which is the leading cause of stroke − affects six million Canadians, and is known as the silent killer because of its lack of symptoms,” says Dr. Silver. “The good news is that with proper diagnosis and treatment of high blood pressure, you can cut your risk of stroke by up to 40 per cent.”
Developed by Foundation experts, the My Heart&Stroke Blood Pressure Action Plan app allows users to monitor and better manage their blood pressure. They will be able to assess their personal risk, track blood pressure readings over time, view graphs of blood pressure changes, share readings with their physicians, list their medications, set appointment reminders, and track their condition.
“The bottom line is that awareness of your risks, of the warning signs, and of prevention and treatment options are your best defences against stroke,” says Dr. Di Buono.
The free apps – which are available in English or French − can be downloaded at the Apple, Android, and BlackBerry app stores. Or Canadians can go to www.heartandstroke.ca/mobileapps.
Heart and Stroke Foundation helps Canadians turn the tide on stroke
The Heart and Stroke Foundation is a committed leader in stroke research, health promotion, and advocacy. The Foundation works on many fronts to help all Canadians live longer, healthier lives:
  • The Heart TruthThe Foundation’s The Heart Truth™ campaign educates women about identifying their risks and warning signs of heart disease and stroke. It provides women with the tools they need to take charge of their heart health: women can significantly reduce their risk — by as much as 80 per cent — by making simple lifestyle changes. (thehearttruth.ca)
  • A Canadian vision for stroke careThe Canadian Stroke Strategy is a joint initiative of the Heart and Stroke Foundation and the Canadian Stroke Network designed to support an integrated approach to stroke awareness, prevention, access to treatment, rehabilitation, and community reintegration in every province and territory. The Canadian Stroke Network fosters collaboration between more than 100 of Canada’s leading scientists and clinicians from 24 universities. This strategy is already saving countless lives, while also having remarkable influence on secondary stroke prevention and recovery.
  • Multicultural HSF resourcesChinese is now the number three language in Canada – right after English and French. The new HSF poll found that over 80 per cent of Chinese and South Asian women were interested in stroke and heart disease information geared to them. Eighty-one per cent of Chinese women and 78 per cent of South Asian women said it would be useful to have this information their languages. The Heart and Stroke Foundation has health resources in Cantonese, Mandarin, Hindi, Punjabi, Tamil, and Urdu to meet this need. Go to heartandstroke.ca/multicultural for more information.
  • A quivering heartbeat away from strokeThis year, the Foundation put the focus on a risk factor for stroke: atrial fibrillation. This condition causes an irregular heartbeat and increases the risk for ischemic stroke – stroke caused by a blood clot – by three to five times. It is estimated that up to 15 per cent of all strokes are due to atrial fibrillation.
  • Focusing on stroke research
    The research initiative Focus on Stroke encourages new researchers and health professionals to train in the field of stroke and supports newly established investigators. Celebrated as one of the country’s leading research partnerships, the Heart and Stroke Foundation and the Canadian Stroke Network received the first ever CIHR Partnership Award for this initiative in 2002.
  • Stroke knowledge saves livesRecognizing stroke warning signs and getting immediate medical attention have a major impact on survival and recovery. The Foundation recently launched its Stroke is Urgent awareness campaign to help Canadians recognize warning signs and how to react to this medical emergency.


Canadian Deaf Women's Conference - July 2011 - Helps to End Violence & Encourage Leadership

In 2001, the Canadian Association of the Deaf (CAD), a consumer advocacy for health and education organization, recognized the need to develop a national network of and for Deaf women. To address the issues and concerns identified by CAD, the first national Deaf Women’s Conference was held in Vancouver, B.C., August 13-18, 2007.  Janice Jickels, a Deaf woman leader from Vancouver, led this conference. The mandate of the newly established Deaf Women’s Conference was to provide leadership by sharing knowledge, thereby empowering Deaf Canadian women to be well informed related to health and to improve their quality of life.  
At this conference, it was recognized that women must be proactive by taking action to close the gap between the current reality and the ideal situation for Deaf Canadian women. Women also have a responsibility to communicate and share information with each other and to access information about health through sign language such as American Sign Language and langue des signes quebecoise.

Vision Statement
The Deaf Women’s Conference focuses on human rights, health, sports, education and eliminating systemic violence against women and children.
We need to empower more Deaf women to take charge through informed decision-making and creating opportunities that will help to shape their lives’ directions. What can we do to help more Canadian Deaf Women fulfill their aspirations? Critical to this process is the collective knowledge shared by influential Deaf women leaders and mentorship programs. Dialogue through sign language, personal growth, shared experiences and inspirational stories are emphasized at this national conference. Through networking, workshops, mentoring, public relations, research and development and information sharing, this conference will help address the current gap for Canadian Deaf women to be empowered.

The next conference sponsored by the Canadian Cultural Society of the Deaf (CCSD) will be held July 24-28, 2011 at the Hilton, Niagara Falls, Ontario. “CHERISH LIFE” is the title of the Canadian Deaf Women’s Conference, 2011.
For more information, contact Maryann Chmiel.

Source: http://www.cdwc2011.ca/en/index.html

Warrior Woman Has Fully Awoken!


Warrior Woman Has Fully Awoken!

This woman has been kind, gentle,
and has much love,
All of this has been given with
the blessing of the Great Spirit above,
But Great Spirit gave her something
else and she didn't know it...
The Great Spirit gave her
the blessing of being a warrior woman
as now her light is lit!

This warrior woman has come
fully alive today,
She is no longer anyone's slave or prey,
She is taking back her life today,
And those who know who she truly is,
can stay.
No longer will she live the lives of others,
She will give back the blames and responsibilities of others
where it belongs,
For she also has the bear and wolf inside her,
which is now so very powerful
and uniquely strong.

The warrior woman now knows what road she must follow,
For others it will be to hard to swallow.
Her life was taken from her unknowingly many years ago,
And this warrior woman is taking back her life before the next winds blow.

Oh Sister Moon you give me the strength
as a warrior woman to conquer what's on my path,
high above and way beneath,
and the much needed strength to take on the wrath.

This warrior woman is fully awakened and is taking a stand,
taking the problems by the horns with my hand.
I will conquer all that is there,
all and who comes as they dare.

Warrior woman has fully awoken,
and many will see that they were mistaken
in robbing her of her life.
They as a thief, Warrior woman will conquer
and have no grief!

This warrior woman will protect her people, her son,
and those who need her.
If anyone hurts them, look out!
They will hear a GGGGGGRRRRRRRRR,
As they run and shout!

This warrior woman is taking back her life,
taking back the respect that was taken from her
throughout the years ever so slow.
This warrior woman is removing pain and hurt from within the heart
caused by the knife,
from all those who are both family and foe.
I am claiming what's mine, and my dignity,
From those who live in this society of vanity.
I am claiming back in full my heritage.
And as a warrior woman, I am going to clean up
many years of carnage.
For now standing in front of you,
you see this warrior woman... you see me.
Someone special has taught me to be free,
From this day forward for me no more slavery...
Gentleness, kindness, and love is part of me, and so is my dignity.
This is not weakness, as others believe.
But this strength is within me and within you.
I will listen to the spirits and grow,
I will travel in the whispering winds as they blow.
All the work I now do will be for Our People and all nations,
I will protect and guide the future generations.
Now it is time for me to travel on my new path,
As a warrior woman conquering all wrath.
If you ever see and want to meet me,
Please come, and I will also teach and share with you how to be free.

Author: Lady J-Ann
Lady J-Ann has dedicated this piece to Survivors of Domestic Violence.

You may encounter many defeats,
but you must not be defeated.
In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats,
so you can know who you are,
what you can rise from,
how you can still come out of it.

~ Maya Angelou ~