Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Prince Charming is Not a Financial Plan

When we were younger girls, it was all about romance and playing with Barbie™. Do you ever remember having your Barbie™ sit at the play table with her friends and witness them discussing how they were going to finance that dream camper vacation or afford that brand new convertible they wanted? After all, that was the land of make believe and all in good fun, right?

Now that we’re older the reality sets in and we’re dealing with challenging life lessons and responsibilities. Does this mean fun is over? The answer to that is an outstanding no! It doesn’t mean that your dreams have to be put on hold. In wanting or waiting for Prince Charming doesn’t exactly mean you should be held back nor truly, is that the way to creating wealth, financial independence or monetary gain we’re all deserving of. Making those dreams a reality is possible.

Whether or not “Prince Charming” is in your life doesn’t mean your financial goals should be put on hold. In what used to be a heavily male-dominated industry, many women are finding success in real estate and investing. There are many ways to create wealth and achieve the lifestyle you desire.

Some of the steps to get started on your financial path of happiness are aligning yourself with like-minded individuals, networking, having a mentor, reading local real estate articles and books, and educating yourself and having the right team behind you. Develop an understanding about Real estate investing and know that it’s not as intimidating as you think. The purchase of the first property is the biggest hurdle and challenge. Each opportunity and deal will be different, but essentially, the fundamentals are all the same and with each deal, you’ll gain more confidence.

 It’s important to note that it’s not about “being rich” but creating wealth and securing your future. Essentially the goal is that whether you’re single or with a partner, financially, you’ll be ok. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this forward thinking. I’m sure even Barbie™ would agree with that while she’s off to pick up Ken™ for their date!

Happy investing!

Shannon Murree is a Realtor® with RE/MAX Chay Realty Inc Brokerage, Property Manager and Real Estate Investor. Her main focus to motivate, empower and educate all women the importance of creating wealth and financial independence through real estate investing.

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