Sunday, January 1, 2012

It's A New Dawn, It's a New Day, It's a New Life...

Birds flying high you know how I feel. Sun in the sky you know how I feel. Breeze driftin' on by you know how I feel...

It's a new dawn

It's a new day

It's a new life

For me

And I'm feeling good

As you journey in your life, you choose from among many paths and as you know, there are many forks on each of those paths. Side roads can compel and illuminate you or they can discourage and sidetrack you, take you off course. While some of those choices lead you to bumpy ones and mislead you there are others that can be smooth and calm. Some decisions you make and re-make, repeat, repeat, repeat. Admit it to yourself and be honest, how many paths have lead you to discouragement? How many have lead you to an absolute peace and contentment?

In addition to becoming more conscious of your decisions, now become aware of your decision-making process and ask yourself, "why do you make them?". As you increase your awareness of how you decide and how the actions follow your choices, enhance your understanding of the choice, or rather choices themselves. What drives you to make those decisions? What motivates (or un-motivates) you?

Now, this is totally personal. You do not need to justify yourself to anyone...ever. This is YOUR time of self-reflection. Reflect on your own personal experiences over the last year, consider some decisions you've chosen to make. In addition to those decisions, did you make them freely or were you forced to make any of those decisions? How exactly did you make them? Remember, in this journey, don't criticize or over-analyze which is something, as a society we tend to do. Just reflect. Now think about how you're going to make a conscious decision to move forward. 

Your decision, your choice alone. Your life. Only get one shot at living a life right? Make it count.

To move forward, you must let go of old paradigms. Let go of rules and whatever decision-making processes you've made in the past if they weren't successful ones. A perfect example for most people it making decisions based on fear, remove that from your life and make it become obsolete. There has to be a shift and an old paradigm and an old way of thinking. To go forward and propel you, what you really need to do is create something special and shift that to a new paradigm, new rules, a new way of thinking.

To live in the new paradigm, you must become more aware, more conscious in all aspects of your life. It's a time of enlightenment, of lightening up, of light. Don't let fear or the old paradigm take over. Eyes forward and persevere. It's going to feel different but what you need to know is that when you get past that hurdle, with it comes freedom. Freedom accompanies enlightenment and with enlightenment comes Empowerment. That empowerment takes you to a higher level. If you ever feel the old paradigm take over, don't judge yourself, don't criticize yourself and don't give up. Let the new way of thinking set back in and envision what you want to achieve. It will take practice and then what will happen is by listening to yourself and setting new standards, you'll find an inner peace. 

It's a new dawn, it's a new feel good (and keep it that way!)

Much success in health, wealth and happiness....

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