Monday, October 8, 2012

Images of Women in Media

As a society, we are constantly bombarded by images from the media.  Many of these images are ones that objectify or involve violence against women.   Most of the images of women in the media portray them to be dramatically thin, abnormally beautiful, and successful in romantic relationships.  Women in ads and images are almost always overpowered by men.   It is also alarming that the media promotes these images and ideas.  We think since we see it so regularly in the media and become so desensitized to it, that it is alright to happen in real life.  When producers in the media try to “break through the clutter” and catch people’s attention with alarming images, we come to accept them; especially when they become more and more consistent. As women, we feel like we have to allow this type of treatment from men because it’s what we see all the time.  This image shows a female being controlled by a male, which is very common in the media today. 

 Another disturbing idea in media is the idea that women all women are thin, beautiful, and sexy.  In reality, no one looks this way without alterations and surgical enhancements.  The beauty portrayed in the media is unachievable, and when consumers can’t reach this level of beauty, we feel upset and disappointed.  In a way, this works to the producer’s advantage, because when we realize we don’t look a certain way, we talk ourselves into buying products in hopes of them helping us achieve the unachievable.   This turns into a cycle because we can never become what the products promise.  This is a danger to women too, because we go to extreme levels and do whatever it takes to be “beautiful”.  The media shows a very unrealistic image of the average women in this world.  This image shows a woman with unrealistic thinness and beauty.  These too, are very common in the media. (Guest Blogger)

DO SOMETHING! It's not just women. It's distortion of men too. Take a look at the above video.

Celebrities all the time fight to be "normal" when on camera and in the public. Lady Gaga Fights Weight Criticism by Asking Fans to Embrace ‘Flaws’ - turning the criticism about her weight gain into a tool to help others. Today on her social networking site,, she launched a Body Revolution section to “inspire bravery” and ”celebrate with us your ‘perceived flaws.’
She writes: “Hey Guys its Gaga,” she wrote. “Now that the body revolution has begun, be brave and post a photo of you that celebrates your triumph over insecurities.”
Lady Gaga

Singer Adele called "Too Fat" by Chanel Designer

On film...Mila Kunis dropped 20 pounds off her 5-foot-two-inch frame to play a ballerina in 2010's "Black Swan." "I could see why this industry is so f*cked up, because at 95 pounds, I would literally look at myself in the mirror and I was like, 'Oh my God!' she told E! News. "I had no shape, no boobs, no ass .. All you saw was bone." Kunis continued: "In real life, I looked disgusting, but in photographs and on film, it looked amazing." 


We need to highlight the victories of each and every woman. Sometimes we are harder on each other because we have to fight harder to get there. Perhaps we are less inclined to give another woman a break.  Here's a great quick video.

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