Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Let Loose & Live!

I love that this guy is his TRUE authentic self! Doesn't matter he's on public transit system. Hey, if you've got the groove, move! Imagine how happy he must be without living with regrets and just "doing his own thang". Are you living your life with purpose? How liberating! Take a watch and enjoy :) Maybe learn some moves!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Fighters for Fighters - What are YOU Fighting For?

Here is a testimonial I was asked to do and why I wanted to "fight" in the upcoming "Fighters for Fighters" event being held Wednesday, December 12th, 2012 at the Liberty North.
This is a benefit to help the Barrie Women and Children's Shelter. And despite the name...it's anything but encouraging fighting and violence. Everyone has a reason and a "why". Here's mine...

Exercising Our Rights...

Many years I did not vote because I didn't believe in anyone running in Political office would have my best interest at heart. I felt that it didn't matter that once they were in office, public wouldn't be heard. HOWEVER....
I then realized many others before me fought for MY right as a woman to vote. Then I also wasn't in any position to comment or "complain" because I hadn't exercised my right. So two years ago - I finally did for the first time in my life and really happy with my decision!
This is a photo of Susan B. Anthony trying to vote in 1872, at that point it was illegal for a woman to vote. She was beaten and arrested for trying to do something we all take for granted today.
Do we want her efforts to be in vain?