Saturday, December 31, 2011

Renting Vs Buying Real Estate - Evaluating - Part 2

Renting vs Buying Real Estate - is it right for YOU (PART 2)

Ok, so now you've considered your options and want to explore this buying a home thing more. Why not? More and more people are making that decision and traditional ways of waiting until marriage or having a partner. Even if in a relationship/married, perhaps you wanted to  have more time together first, pay off student debts, travel, or whatever your personal situation. It doesn't matter when and it's about being smart and analyzing whether it is or isn't good for your personal needs.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with renting and current lower vacancy rates here in Barrie (and Ontario-wide) are showing that more people are preferring this. So is home ownership over-rated? There's value in both methods and again, it's all about you whatever your lifestyle dictates. There are many programs available so let's look into no money down and rent to own which are many questions we get asked as well.

So, considering the ads with the Zero Down Payment Mortgage? Before you get sucked in and give your information, know what the requirements are. Always remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

What you need to know: Credit Score Requirements
To qualify for a no down payment mortgage you need a credit score of at least 680. You are likely to have a 680 credit score if you pay credit cards and other loans on time, and there are no bill collections in your name. You will need to have three (3) years of consecutive employment in order to qualify for a zero down payment mortgage.

A no-down payment Mortgage is not for everyone. Please discuss your personal financial situation with your broker to get informed about this product - and find out if it's right for you. A no-down payment Mortgage is also known as a cash-back Mortgage. This product can also be used to help with mortgage closing costs - or for other things around the house such as furniture, repairs or appliances. Again, it's not for everyone and if you're not good at budgeting, and you also need to know whether the home qualifies (not overprices and will appraise for the value). You're also not going to have instant equity if not putting any money into it so if you need to resell for whatever reason in a shorter amount of time, well, you're not making money either.

How Down Payments Affect your Mortgage and Mortgage Size
  • Your down payment is used to determine the maximum price of a home you can afford
  • Your down payment will have an effect on your mortgage size and mortgage payments: 
  • The more money you put down, the smaller your mortgage and the smaller your payments will be.
  • Your down payment also determines the amount of CMHC insurance you pay: 
  • As stated above, a down payment of less than 20% forces a CMHC mortgage default insurance requirement. The cost of the insurance will fluctuate depending on the size of the down payment for your mortgage.

How can you finance your down payment?
Besides traditional saving methods, or the sale of personal assets, various methods of obtaining money for your down payments exist. One of these methods is the Home Buyers' Plan (HBP). It is a program that allows you to withdraw up to $25,000 from your registered retirement savings plan (RRSPs) to buy or build a a home.

The Canada Revenue Agency outlines the Home Buyers' Plan (HBP) as a program that allows you to withdraw up to $25,000 from your registered retirement savings plan (RRSPs) to buy or build a qualifying home for yourself or for a related person with a disability .

Your RRSP contributions must remain in the RRSP for at least 90 days before you can withdraw them under the HBP, or they may not be deductible for any year.

Generally, you have to repay all withdrawals to your RRSPs within a period of no more than 15 years. You will have to repay an amount to your RRSPs each year until your HBP balance is zero. If you do not repay the amount due for a year, it will have to be included in your income for that year.

Forms and publications

You see all the ads, have heard about it and wonder if this is a consideration. Sure, everything is a consideration if it gets you one step closer to your goals. We're here to help educate you and decide what program is or isn't right for you. Fortunately, we work with a lot of investors and mortgage brokers that offer many variations of programs available to people that choose to work with us and seek assistance. 

The most important things to know about rent to own?
  • it's not for everybody
  • it must be a win/win
  • must be disciplined or be willing to learn to be disciplined about monthly payments because it's forcing you to save for a downpayment if you're not already able to do so
  • it's not for everybody
  • must be a win-win
That's right. Intentionally said those twice because that's the only type of clientele we work with. Those that analyze each scenario on a case by case basis to make it beneficial to you, the home buyer and the investor wanting to help you. That's right. The investor purchasing the home to help you be able to buy it and get you one step closer to home ownership that you've only dreamed about. 

Not going to mislead you. It is a business and there is an invested interest for the investor of course because there are books out there, courses and online resources teaching people to get on the "rent to own" bandwagon. This is why we interview our investors to find out their intentions of wanting to offer rent to own programs. Yes, we turn people away and only work with a select, elite few and must be referred to us. Why? Here's why...

You've never owned a home before or have owned but got into a financial situation and think rent to own is a good option for you. You seek us out for information and develop a trust. You want to own a home so badly and will practically do anything (legal of course) to get it. Perhaps you may not read the papers before you sign and willing to borrow from anyone to get whatever down payments are necessary so you can be a home owner. We can honestly tell you, this is not the way to be at all. You're setting yourself up to fail before you've even started and actually this is taking you further away from your goal of home ownership. You lose time, money, effort and give yourself even more stress that you bargained for. 

If you've never owned a home before, how do you understand those legal documents? You're trusting someone to explain them to you that have an invested interest because they're making commission or sale right? Realtors are governed to be ethical and have a business standards of course. However, there's also the obligation to inform you of everything and probably a good idea to have a conditional clause that you have the right to have reviewed by a lawyer. That's what the professionals are trained for and really important for you to know your rights and entitlements.

After typing, realize rent to own is a whole other topic. So let's make a Part 3 and call this a series!

Happy investing in you and happy new year!

*not intended to solicit anyone with any written agency agreements. This blog is intended to provide information for educational purposes only

Canada Revenue Agency

Friday, December 30, 2011

New Year - New Fitness Regime - New You - Stick With It! Here's a Plan How

Can't believe I have missed out on this site but love it!  "where frugal living is sexy, delicious and fun". It's a great site to find valuable information not only on finance/wealth but health too! It's created by Kerry K. Taylor and below is her bio and you can find her page on Facebook as well.

(bio: Kerry K. TaylorKerry strives to make frugal living sexy, delicious, and fun. She is the author of the book '397 Ways to Save Money' and is the creator of Kerry is also a two-time Ironman triathlon finisher who resides in B.C.)

You're probably putting together your New Year's Resolutions and one of those most notably, will be fitness. So, all credit to her as she created this workout log.

Here's her input on how to use the Workout Log and how it can help you get fit:
  • Stay frugal by tracking your fitness for free.
  • Easily track weekly and daily workouts.
  • Monitor fitness goals and achievements.
  • Get trim, slim, and fit by honestly logging your exercise sessions.
  • Keep a pulse on weight fluctuations, heart rates, and energy levels.
  • Plan daily workout schedules.
  • Track time spent exercising, distance traveled, and workout intensity.
  • Have fun with fitness by using an attractive workout log or exercise log sheet. 
This two-page free printable exercise log covers a whole week. So keep yourself motivated by tracking your weekly fitness goals, hours of exercise, and workout type. There’s no time like the present to start with a simple and frugal walk to get your heart racing.

Need a beginner, intermediate, or advanced walking plan? The free eBook Frugal Food & Fitness: Get fab without spending a fortune outlines three free walking exercise plans for your workout pleasure. 

Free Printable Workout Log

**Note: there are also some GREAT apps now to keep track. But if you're a "paper person" it's good to keep a visual whether posting on your fridge, desk, etc. Wherever you will see it often,

Renting Vs Buying Real Estate - Calculate and Evaluate!

So the New Year is upon you and you're probably thinking about making changes in your life. One of those, whether single, with a family or not, is thinking about whether you should keep renting or perhaps time to buy a house. Great goal for sure!
So by now you're scouring the internet, checking out aka and other sites to see what the going prices are, what pretty houses you like, etc. But really, can you AFFORD it and is home ownership right for you at this time in your life? This is a Part 1 Series and Part 2 will follow immediately tomorrow.

Before you make hasty financial decisions, you're a smart person so analyze before just jumping in. You've probably come across a rent vs buy calculator or two which is also a great start. However, the problem with most rent versus buy calculators is that they fail to account for the additional costs that come from moving from an apartment or townhouse with little to no yard or driveway, into a 2,500 square foot home complete with a yard and a driveway.

When you move into a home that is double the size of your rental home, there are costs  you need to be aware of that Mortgage Brokers, Real Estate Lawyers and Realtors may or may not be bringing to your attention. Facts to consider are:

  • You will now have to pay the utility bills on heating and cooling twice the square-footage.
  • You have twice the space to furnish and decorate (and you WILL buy more furniture to fill up that space)
  • You will now have a yard and driveway to maintain (if moving up from an apartment - more grass to cut, trees to plant, gardens and flowers in wanting to "showcase your home to be proud of).
  • You will now be paying property taxes on the value of the entire property.
  • You will now have to get homeowner insurance to protect you from loss (requirement of having a mortgage)
  • You will now have to repair, maintain, and replace ALL fixtures, appliances, heating-cooling equipment, plumbing, landscaping (lawnmower/shovel/snowblower/rakes and such equipment), floor coverings, windows, shingles/roof/eavestroughs, brick, siding, driveway, etc as they break down or experience wear and tear, dated or, or become obsolete. And if you fail to properly maintain your property, don't plan on the value appreciating as much as the real estate agent is boasting it will.

Don't have your head in the sand....really. Just don't bury your head and always ask are the expects having your best intentions at heart of ulterior motives in wanting to sell you a house. If you don't have the down payment, don't take a second mortgage out just because you want to own a home. It may sound good at the time but then you're also paying more interest and your monthly out of pocket expenses are higher.  Unfortunately,  home buyers failed to recognize that those experts do stand to gain so make sure you research and have the right team that will disclose to you the costs of home ownership and also disclose the right neighbourhoods that suit your needs. Ask questions and always trust your gut instinct (but that will be another blog one day)

The choice is yours, you can choose to ignore the costs of home ownership when contemplating a home purchase, or you can take painstaking steps to accurately forecast and budget for them now, while you can, in the save haven of your rental that you've already budgeted for. 

So, with that in mind, take a look at this Rent Vs Buy Mortgage Calculation on the image below. Calculations and values were entered to calculate and compare the cost of renting to the true cost of buying a home. It's not honestly all bad and yes, absolutely beneficial but IS IT RIGHT FOR YOU?

Let's say you pay $1100 per month and you stay in that home for 5 years.  You've spent $66,000

Now, let's pretend you were paying $1500 and that was a mortgage. If you put $500 away each month in the same amount of five years, that's $30,000 you could have saved. That's right. That's more than the minimum 5% required** (see note) for a down payment if you were to purchase a home for $250,000.  You can use that money to allocate for closing costs and/or use more towards a down payment to reduce your monthly mortgage amount or put that into a savings account for "a rainy day" and any unexpected maintenance costs.

**(downpayment definition:  A mortgage down payment is a specific sum of money deposited towards the purchase of a new home. It is not required in all cases, however, in the case that it is, there is a minimum amount required. This amount is relative to the value of the home you are looking to purchase. 
Note: the bigger your down payment is, the more affordable your mortgage loan will be. This is because a larger down payment results in smaller overall interest payments (a smaller loan). Down Payment Requirements For a Mortgage in Canada - Minimum Down Payment
For home buyers that are paid hourly or earn a regular salary, a minimum of 5% is required as the down payment for a home. For self employed home buyers a minimum of 10% is required to purchase a home. More could be required if your credit is poor (learn more about your credit score). Anyone choosing to put less than 20% of the value of the property as a down payment will be required to obtain CMHC (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation) mortgage default insurance. This protects the lender from losses in the event that you were to default on your mortgage.

Ok, don't want to overwhelm you. Not here to talk you into or out of buying. Again, just want you to make a well-informed decision because don't want you to be taken advantage of. The world is not all about Barbie's, sunshine and rainbows. Part 2 tomorrow

Happy New Year and happy new you!

Mortgages Canada
Canada Revenue Agency

(The comments contained on this site are for information purposes only and do not constitute legal advice or intended to solicit anyone with any written agency agreement.)

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Financial Planning Series - Time to Take Action! It's Not As Boring or Intimidating As You Think!

All credit to Kerry K. Taylor, Author of the book "397 Ways to Save Money" and the Creator of Excellent suggestions and ideas on how YOU can get started today. This information is never dated and can be implemented now. It's never too late to move forward. So here's her take and hopefully you'll get some valuable insight.


Despite it’s reputation for being boring, time consuming, and out-right tedious, creating a budget can actually be a liberating experience. Now, I’m not squawking about the kind of liberation where you’re running around naked with millions of dollars flying around you. Yeah, that’s my dream too. Sigh.
But seriously, keeping on track with a budget can show you where your money goes and help you plan for life’s expenses — whether you’re saving for a home, buying a car, going on vacation,saving for school, getting out of debt,starting an emergency fund, or just finding ways to save money. Whew!
A simple budget can also help you reach your financial goals sooner with less stress and worry.

About the How to Make a Budget Series

I want to make budget planning fun by squawkifying the process in a useful way. I would love for you to experience the many financial benefits from keeping track of your money. It is your money, after all. I want the “budget word” to cease being a 6 letter monstrosity by demystifying the process and making it simple to follow.
What is a budget? Simply, a budget is a financial plan for tracking the flow of money into and out of your life. The idea is to find the sneaky money outflows, plug the lucrative leaks, and save more of the inflowing cash for the stuff the really matters in your life. A budget will also expose the spending habits you’re not aware of and help you to better plan where to spend your money.
The How to Make a Budget series can help you to:
  • Learn how to set up a budget
  • Find your net worth
  • Set financial goals, define your needs, know your wants
  • Start expense tracking and track household expenses
  • Get tips on budgeting for any income
  • Make a household budget
  • Download free budget worksheets and budgeting spreadsheets
  • Benefit from budget planning tools
  • Discover financial budgeting software
  • …and have fun with it! 

I’ve been thinking a lot about budget spreadsheets. I don’t stay awake at night dreaming of Excel cells and mathematical equations — because that’s weird — but back in my days of student debt I did lose sleep over accounting for my missing money. What a nightmare!
I turned things around when I started a simple budget to track my spending, income, and expenses. Knowing how much I earned and spent on a monthly and yearly basis helped me catch those needed Zzzzs and find my financial way. If you’re losing sleep over missing moolah or can’t account for your expenses, then getting on track with a budget may be the secret to a six-figure slumber. Ka-ching!
How to use the Budget Spreadsheet

What is a budget? A budget is a financial plan for tracking the flow of money into and out of your life. A simple budget can expose where you’re leaking money (the outflows), plug those drips, and find ways to save more of the inflowing cash for the stuff that matters. A budget can also highlight the spending habits you’re not aware of and help you better plan for future spending. The hard part is getting started. After a bit of practice though budgeting becomes easy.
The Budget Spreadsheet is pretty darn easy to use. I’ve kept things super simple by listing the biggest budgeting categories and showing you how it all adds up. Here’s what you can do:
  • Budget by month: List your monthly expenses, track your income, tally your monthly averages, and see how it all adds up. Helpful for those with variable incomes too.
  • Yearly budgeting: Get an annual snapshot of your success by entering all the monthly budget details. Yearly totals are listed below.
  • Make a personal budget: Single and loving it? No worries. This budget spreadsheet works for individuals too.
  • Household budget: Families can budget too. Just tally your spousal income and set your total household budget.
  • Budget worksheet: If you’re not fond of spreadsheets, then go ahead and print it out as a monthly budget worksheet. Stick in a binder and keep track of your moolah by writing it all down.
  • Budget calculator: Adding everything up can be a pain in the purse. Use the budget spreadsheet as a calculator to show you when you’re in the red. Just scroll to the bottom and see if your Total Difference is positive (black) or negative (red).
  • Customize like crazy: Go ahead and customize this Excel budget spreadsheet by adding your own categories.

free budget worksheets budget calculator
Download: Free Budget Spreadsheet

Step 1: Download!

Click to download your copy of the Budget Spreadsheet.

Step 2: Track your spending

Tracking every cent you earn and spend sounds like work, but it’s easy to do if you carry a notebook with you or save all your receipts. The idea is to track your cash, credit card, and debit card purchases to identify the costly culprits.
  • Get a notebook. Place a small notebook and pen in your purse. OR carry an iPhone, iPad, or iWhatever with you.
  • Write it down: Every time you spend money — write it down. Make a note of each and every purchase (grocery, coffee, shoes) and add the date. Ask for a receipt.
  • Add it up: Tally your expenses during the month and add them to the Budget Spreadsheet under the right category. See where your money is really going. Results may shock you.

Step 3: Get budgeting!

Grab your receipts, sort your bills, and check your bank accounts. It’s time to fill in the blanks and account for your cash in the budget worksheet. Here are the columns to consider:
  • Income: Enter your monthly salary, all bonuses, and investments to get a grip on your total income. Did you make enough? Do you need to earn more? Be sure to include your spouse’s income too.
  • Home Expenses: Doesn’t matter if you rent or own. Enter your housing costs, insurance, maintenance, and property taxes.
  • Transportation: Enter all your automobile costs, transit passes, fuel, and maintenance. If you’ve got a bike that needs a spare tire, enter it under Other.
  • Utilities: There is no mystery in this category. Go through your bills and find the REAL costs to surfing the internet, watching TV, and chatting on the phone. Enter your electricity and water bills too!
  • Medical: Not my favorite category, but we’ve all got something medical, right? Add up your prescriptions, dental bills, and health insurance.
  • Financial: Tally all your financial bits and pieces, including: bank fees, interest payments, debt repayment, and various savings accounts.
  • Enjoyment: Yay! Time for fun stuff! Keep track of all gifts, holiday expenses, pet costs, entertainment (don’t forget your liquor), restaurants, and hobbies.
  • Routine Expenses: Groceries, clothing, and all anti-wrinkle creams need to be listed here. Yeah, wrinkles happen. Grumble.
  • Family: Get the kids involved by showing them how the money is spent. List childcare expenses, allowances, activities, sports, books, toys, tuition, school supplies, and field trip costs. A financially savvy kid is likely to grow into a financially wise adult.
Phew! It seems like a lot, I know. But budgeting gets easier as time goes by. So get downloading, tracking, and take the time to see where your money goes each month. You may just find some lost loot.

All credit to Kerry K. Taylor, Author of the book "397 Ways to Save Money" and the Creator of 

All credit to Kerry K. Taylor, Author of the book "397 Ways to Save Money" and the Creator of 

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Prince Charming is Not a Financial Plan

When we were younger girls, it was all about romance and playing with Barbie™. Do you ever remember having your Barbie™ sit at the play table with her friends and witness them discussing how they were going to finance that dream camper vacation or afford that brand new convertible they wanted? After all, that was the land of make believe and all in good fun, right?

Now that we’re older the reality sets in and we’re dealing with challenging life lessons and responsibilities. Does this mean fun is over? The answer to that is an outstanding no! It doesn’t mean that your dreams have to be put on hold. In wanting or waiting for Prince Charming doesn’t exactly mean you should be held back nor truly, is that the way to creating wealth, financial independence or monetary gain we’re all deserving of. Making those dreams a reality is possible.

Whether or not “Prince Charming” is in your life doesn’t mean your financial goals should be put on hold. In what used to be a heavily male-dominated industry, many women are finding success in real estate and investing. There are many ways to create wealth and achieve the lifestyle you desire.

Some of the steps to get started on your financial path of happiness are aligning yourself with like-minded individuals, networking, having a mentor, reading local real estate articles and books, and educating yourself and having the right team behind you. Develop an understanding about Real estate investing and know that it’s not as intimidating as you think. The purchase of the first property is the biggest hurdle and challenge. Each opportunity and deal will be different, but essentially, the fundamentals are all the same and with each deal, you’ll gain more confidence.

 It’s important to note that it’s not about “being rich” but creating wealth and securing your future. Essentially the goal is that whether you’re single or with a partner, financially, you’ll be ok. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this forward thinking. I’m sure even Barbie™ would agree with that while she’s off to pick up Ken™ for their date!

Happy investing!

Shannon Murree is a Realtor® with RE/MAX Chay Realty Inc Brokerage, Property Manager and Real Estate Investor. Her main focus to motivate, empower and educate all women the importance of creating wealth and financial independence through real estate investing.

*Logos belong to their respective trademarks

Friday, September 30, 2011

Barrie Market Overview with Shannon Murree By Andrew C. MacDonald

Barrie Market Overview with Shannon Murree

Thanks to Andrew C. MacDonald!
In the Real Estate Investment Network’s new Top Ontario Investment Towns Report for 2011-2015, Barrie has once again come in as the #3 town (alongside Orillia). Last week, I had the opportunity to interview Shannon Murree who is an investment focused Realtor in the Barrie area. In this brief  (3min 40sec) Shannon shares her local expertise by covering the following:

  • What’s going on in Barrie?
  • What’s going on with the GO Train?
  • What are the best investment areas?
  • Which areas should investors stay away from?
If time is a constraint for you, I’ve also summarized some of the key points below the video.

Video Summary
Here are a few facts from my interview with Shannon which anyone interested in learning more about investing in Barrie will find useful.

What’s going on in Barrie?
  • Park Place – one of Canada’s first “open air” mixed use centres
  • New malls & retail in development
  • Expanding student residences
  • Royal Victoria Hospital (RVH) expansion
  • Laurentian@Georgian partnership
  • What’s going on with the GO Train?
  • Currently resurfacing the stage of the Allendale GO station
  • Recent GO Train improvements have already had a positive impact
  • What are the best areas for investment in Barrie?
  • Freehold properties or downtown waterfront condos are some of the preferred property types for Barrie investors
  • Great income properties exist all across the city depending on what tenant profile investors wish to target
  • What areas should investors stay away from?
  • There are bad pockets scattered throughout Barrie so it is important to work with a geographic specialist

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Are Women Too Independent?

Are Independent Women Too Strong for today's Man? Can strong women be too independent?

Should married or coupled women have their own bank accounts or does that mean they aren't committed to the marriage/relationship?

Are strong women.... married or single... TOO strong for today's man?

Should finances even play a part in relationships or does that kill the romance?

From a personal view (and know my business partner Amber feels the same), as business women we believe in having seperate bank accounts and one for house expenses. Personally for me, I much rather have it this way (though I know a lot of people ask my why).

There are many reasons and one, itt's my Independence and financial freedom. I have my own earnings and don't need to justify what personal expenses or purchases I pay. I pay for children's things (school supplies, lunches, sports, shoes, clothing, etc) and have my own business to run. I've set my own budget and if I want to buy a pair of shoes or pack of gum, I do so.

When we go for dinner, we go Dutch, or I'll treat or he'll treat. We have open communication in our relationship and trust me when I say it was a lot of growing pains and finding balance but after nine years of partnership, we've pretty much got all the kinks work out. Honestly, it causes less fights too and in my opinion, no, doesn't make me any less committed to my relationship. Money and finances are just an additional fuel and if this can be eliminated from an argument, well all the more power to you!

I am certainly in no means a relationship expert. This is what has worked for me and after speaking with other women and learning the downfalls they have had in their relationship or the same sentiments of keeping seperate accounts where partners know or they don't (guys, some hidden so don't fool yourselves thinking they're not smart cookies!), it's truly up the individual.

So, would love to hear your feedback and what you find what works and doesn't work. Creating a network and support is a wonderful thing and benefit as additional resource in today's world.

Also, from a business standpoint, don't forget that my team and I are never too busy for your referrals! If buying, selling, renting or relocating to Barrie, give me a call! Oh yeah I have to fulfill my obligations by including this disclaimer - for informational purposes to inform and provide insight. I'm not intending to solicit you and most especially if you have a written buyer agency agreement with another Realtor. Other than that....Much success in health, health and happiness!

Shannon P. Murree, Sales Representative RE/MAX Chay Realty Inc, Brokerage

"It's not just about buildings, it's building relationships"

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Ready, Willing and Able...

In a few days I will be challenging myself with a physical test.  Hitting a certain age - things become surreal and for the most part, it's just a number. In others, gentle reminders of things you set out that you want to do at certain stages of your life.

I will be participating in an event called "Warrior Dash". It's never come here to Canada. It's over 3miles or rather, over 5 km of running through rough terrain at Horseshoe Valley Resort. Not even that, it's through various obstacles that are meant to challenge you throughout the grueling course.

Laurie Watt, reporter with the Barrie Advance wrote an awesome article about it found here: 

Realtor gets down and dirty to help abused women

That's right. That's my why...I'm going to get "down and dirty" and step out of my element, my little 'box' of wearing pretty dresses, shoes, makeup nicely done, nails painted and be a WARRIOR. Warrior for those women and children caught in a daily life of suffering at the hands of an abuser. 

Abuse can be at the hands of anyone. It can affect anyone. It could be a friend, co-worker, aunt, mother, sister, daughter...anyone.

So I will wear my warrior gear, have a black eye, bruised lip and carry on and persevere through the rough terrain all the while thinking about those that feel they're stuck and can't leave. Those that are being abused mentally, physically, financially. There is another life, there is another way and even with one baby step, it is possible to flee and start a new life...just have to be a warrior!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Quick Thoughts for the day to leave you with...

How to conquer evil with good-Buddha style:

One day a man walked up to Buddha and said insult after insult to him.

Buddha just turned to the man and said: "If someone offers you a gift and you decline to accept it, to whom then does it belong?"

The man said: "it belongs to the person who offered it."

Buddha smiled and said "That is correct. So if I decline to accept your abuse does it not then still belong to you?"

The man was speechless and walked away.

Awesome strategy to live by don't you think? Don't be afraid to decline that "gift".

Love, be loved, live your life on your terms.
Wish you much success in health, wealth and happiness :)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Barrie Women - Are You Wealthylicious?

Women: Last opportunity for you to sign up for Barrie Wealthylicious! I have been asked to be one of the "expert" speakers on the topic of real estate investing. There are two other experts in their field/industry speaking as well. Please click on the link

It's at SuiteWorks Barrie Tues June 14th from 7-9. Investment of only $10 when you reserve online. Could change your life, your future!

A Symposium for Women, by Women, on Wealth & Wellness Creation
Join us for an exclusive seminar where you will:
  • Learn the truth about money and cash flow that no one ever told you
  • Discover 3 proven ways to increase your wealth
  • Uncover the most common myths about women and money and bust them
  • Delve into today's financial realities and discover how you can be an exception to the statistics
  • Find out how to create optimal wealth and health simultaneously
  • Understand more about Residual Income Streams and ways to create them

Presented by Game Changers International.

Tuesday, June 14th, SuiteWorks - Townhall,
 92 Caplan Ave. 
Barrie ON
RSVP is required to attend this event.
We have an amazing lineup of speakers for this incredible evening!

*Leanne Grechulk - Founder of HealthyGirl & Author of "30 Days to Wealth"
*Shannon Murree - Real estate professional, multi-faceted business woman aspiring to empower women & all people in home ownership, rentals, rent to own or real estate investing.
*Shelly Matsos - Founder of Sexy Monkey
*Brittany Prentice - Wellness Coach & Enlightened Entrepreneur

Final Day - Please Support This Cause (No Money - Just a Click to Vote!)

Help choose |New Beginnings" for the Barrie Women & Children's Shelter for The Keg's 40th Anniversary Thanks a Million Grant Program. Voting ends today, Tuesday, June 14th! Click here to vote and see below about why the money is so important!

About "New Beginnings"

'New Beginnings' will provide Transitional or Second Stage Housing for both women & children leaving the shelter & transitioning to the community or to women & children remaining in the community who are leaving abusive relationships. Housing will offer affordable, individual family apartments and the support of Outreach Services such as Housing, Legal Advocacy, Group & Individual Counselling & Safety Planning on the Base floor of the building.

There is a severe affordable housing shortage in Simcoe County. New Beginnings housing will address the sobering reality we face when a woman returns to her abuser because she is unable to manage on her own financially. This project will help families move forward with Hope and Opportunity; a New Beginning.

Barrie Police receive 137 calls a month concerning violence against women. 1 in 4 children have watched their mother being abused. 75% of these children will become perpetrators or victims of violence themselves unless there is intervention, counselling and the opportunity to move forward.

Our shelter is most often over capacity. We have approximately 1500 families access our services annually from the the Barrie community. We regularly have to move families from Women & Children's Shelter of Barrie to another shelter as they have stayed for over four months and have yet to find affordable housing in Barrie.

With this grant funding, we will renovate an existing apartment building in Barrie to provide safe and affordable housing while at the same time providing a supportive environment for families to move forward on their own in our community. Families will be able to stay for a period of up to 1 year at which time they will be able to move forward safely on their own, with continued support from our Outreach team.

Renovations will take 8 months to complete and will include enhanced security and lighting surrounding the building as well as renovations to move our Outreach staff to the building of 'New Beginnings'.

We believe in the value of each life and empowerment through respect - 'New Beginnings' will show families in Simcoe County that the community is supportive of each life. The #1 reason influencing whether a woman will leave an abusive relationship is a visible increase in the level of community support - PLEASE show your support for this initiative!

For more about the Barrie Shelter (if you or know of anyone suffering abuse or perhaps would like to make a donation) go to the

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Click...Save Some Lives, Make A Difference - Doesn't cost you a cent!

'New Beginnings' will provide Transitional or Second Stage Housing for both women & children leaving the shelter & transitioning to the community or to women & children remaining in the community who are leaving abusive relationships. Housing will offer affordable, individual family apartments and the support of Outreach Services such as Housing, Legal Advocacy, Group & Individual Counselling & Safety Planning on the Base floor of the building.

There is a severe affordable housing shortage in Simcoe County. New Beginnings housing will address the sobering reality we face when a woman returns to her abuser because she is unable to manage on her own financially. This project will help families move forward with Hope and Opportunity; a New Beginning.

Barrie Police receive 137 calls a month concerning violence against women. 1 in 4 children have watched their mother being abused. 75% of these children will become perpetrators or victims of violence themselves unless there is intervention, counselling and the opportunity to move forward.

Our shelter is most often over capacity. We have approximately 1500 families access our services annually from the the Barrie community. We regularly have to move families from Women & Children's Shelter of Barrie to another shelter as they have stayed for over four months and have yet to find affordable housing in Barrie.

With this grant funding, we will renovate an existing apartment building in Barrie to provide safe and affordable housing while at the same time providing a supportive environment for families to move forward on their own in our community. Families will be able to stay for a period of up to 1 year at which time they will be able to move forward safely on their own, with continued support from our Outreach team.

Renovations will take 8 months to complete and will include enhanced security and lighting surrounding the building as well as renovations to move our Outreach staff to the building of 'New Beginnings'.

We believe in the value of each life and empowerment through respect - 'New Beginnings' will show families in Simcoe County that the community is supportive of each life. The #1 reason influencing whether a woman will leave an abusive relationship is a visible increase in the level of community support - PLEASE show your support for this initiative click here to vote for the shelter. It doesn't cost you a penny and only a few seconds daily of your can help save lives!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Don't Be Financially Abused...

Did you know? There's another abuse of another kind you may not be aware of: Financial Abuse. What is it? 

It means having no access to the family's money. The woman may live in a comfortable house, wear good clothing, have children who are well-equipped with toys and luxuries, but have no control over what is spent or saved, over what moneys come into the family, or over any decisions about what will be bought. She is allowed no money for personal use.

From what I understand and read, it can can occur in any marriage and is often ignored because no physical harm is involved. This financial abuse is rarely discussed in therapy circles because it takes a back seat to physical, verbal or sexual abuse. Suffice it to say it can still be just as emotionally devastating to a woman.

Imagine your friend, a once vibrant woman who, when single, had a good corporate job, earned an excellent salary and had the respect of her colleagues at work. One day she meets the man of her dreams and falls in love. They get married, but little does she know that he wants her to stay home and be a full-time homemaker. She becomes pregnant even if she isn't ready to be a mother. Deep down, she feels that she is happiest when pursuing her career.

What are the signs?
  • Telling his wife to quit her job so she can stay home and take care of the kids.
  • Confiscating his wife's assets and other financial resources and forbidding her from handling money or incurring expenses that he does not allow.
  • Using his wife's financial assets to his advantage and depriving her of her rights to enjoy what is financially and rightfully hers.
  • Taking away his wife's credit cards and providing only a sufficient amount of money to pay for the day-to-day.
A variation of this economic abuse is also apparent in a relationship where the husband allows his wife to work, but regains control of her pay checque and does not give her the opportunity to make any financial decisions.

Are you in a marriage or relationship, or know of others suffering this abuse? There is a way out. Know your rights and ultimately, put yourself (and children if you have any) first. They'll learn by the lead and example you set. Be strong and if you have a daughter, would you want her to accept any less?

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

STROKE IS URGENT: The Heart and Stroke Foundation 2011 Stroke Report warns stroke awareness is dangerously low among women

Foundation launches free Smartphone apps to help turn the tide for all Canadians
June 01, 2011
Ottawa – The Heart and Stroke Foundation 2011 Stroke Month Report warns that awareness levels of stroke warning signs and stroke prevention is dangerously low among all women, especially among women from Canada’s two largest visible minorities – people of Chinese and South Asian descent.
The Foundation polling found that women are not aware that stroke and heart disease is their leading cause of death:
  • For Canadian women overall, 53 per cent are unable to identify that stroke and heart disease are their leading cause of death − and responsible for one in three deaths.1
  • For women of Chinese and South Asian origin, 84 per cent are unable to identify that stroke and heart disease are their leading cause of death.2

Awareness has improved steadily thanks to the Foundation's The Heart Truth campaign, which continues to inform and empower women to take action to reduce their risks. Before the campaign started three years ago, 68 per cent of women didn't know stroke and heart disease was their leading cause of death.3
“Heart disease and stroke are the leading cause of death in women,” says Heart and Stroke Foundation spokesperson, Dr. Frank Silver. “The real tragedy is that 80 per cent of strokes are preventable, whether you’re a man or a woman.”

Stroke affects women and men of all ages. More than 50,000 strokes occur in Canada every year – one every 10 minutes. About 300,000 Canadians live with the effects of stroke. According to the Heart and Stroke Foundation, more women than men die from stroke annually. In Canada stroke kills 32 per cent more women than men.

A previous analysis of Canadian deaths shows that stroke death rates are highest among women of Chinese origin, intermediate among women of South Asian origin, and lowest among women of European origin.

Women need better stroke detectors
Women’s awareness of stroke warning signs is poor. The Foundation poll found that only 53 per cent of South Asian women were able to correctly identify at least two of the five warning signs – lower than the overall Canadian average for women of 62 per cent.

When asked to identify at least three warning signs, only a third of all women polled could do so.

“Canadian women need to be better stroke detectors,” says Dr. Silver. “We need to do all we can to build awareness of the warning signs and help women reduce their risk from death or disability from stroke.”

HSF poll: women’s awareness of the stroke symptoms/warning signs

Stroke warning sign
Chinese women
*March 2011
South Asian women
*March 2011
All Canadian women
**December 2009 
Sudden loss of strength/numbness in face/arm/leg, even if temporary483750
Sudden difficulty speaking/understanding/confusion, even if temporary302442
Sudden loss of balance, especially with other signs272735
Sudden trouble with vision, even if temporary181628
Sudden severe/unusual headache15920
Don’t know/No answer182215
*Environics (March, 2011)
** Environics (December, 2009)

“Stroke is urgent. Knowing and reacting immediately to stroke warning signs is essential,” says Dr. Silver, who notes that there is a treatment for strokes caused by blood clots, the most common type of stroke. This treatment must be administered within the first few hours of warning signs to be effective. “Canadians must react urgently to the warning signs by calling 9-1-1 or their local emergency number,” says Dr. Silver. 

Women underestimate their risk factors when it comes to strokeEqually concerning, 23 per cent of all women could not name even one risk factor for stroke. Only 29 per cent of Chinese women and 22 per cent of South Asian women identified high blood pressure, which is in fact the leading risk factor for stroke.
Women overall also had low awareness of stroke risk factors. For example, only 28 per cent recognized high blood pressure as a risk factor and only 20 per cent identified high cholesterol.
Following a lower-sodium diet and controlling high blood pressure, being physically active and smoke-free can significantly reduce stroke risk.

“The very face of our communities is changing. Heart disease and stroke are increasingly crossing age, gender, and ethnic lines,” says Dr. Silver.  “It’s important that Canadians of all ethnic backgrounds be aware of how to prevent stroke.”

HSF poll: women’s awareness of the stroke risk factors 

Stroke risk factor
Chinese women
*March 2011
South Asian women
*March 2011
All Canadian women
**December 2009 
High blood pressure (hypertension)292228
High cholesterol levels241920
Family history16511
Physical inactivity22159
Heart disease455
Excessive alcohol consumption464
Don’t know/No answer162023
*Environics (March, 2011)
** Environics (December, 2009)

There was even lower awareness of the other risk factors of stroke (gender, ethnicity, and personal history of stroke or TIA).
Foundation launches two stroke apps to help Canadians lower their risk
To help all Canadians lower their risk for stroke, the Heart and Stroke Foundation created two new free Smartphone apps that will allow them to make simple lifestyle changes – wherever they are.
“The digital age has created a new avenue for healthcare – and the Foundation is embracing the technology to support the health of Canadians,” says Dr. Marco Di Buono, spokesperson for the Foundation. “With a continued focus on reducing all risks, we can stop strokes from robbing us of valuable, quality years of life.”
The My Heart&Stroke Health Check Recipe Helper Smartphone app
By eating a diet that is lower in sodium, Canadians can prevent and control high blood pressure, the number one cause of stroke. The new My Heart&Stroke Health Check Recipe Helper app provides Canadians with a quick and easy resource to help lower the amount of sodium (salt) in their diets. The app features dozens of heart-healthy, lower-sodium recipes that come with grocery lists, main ingredient searches, and comprehensive nutrition information. Health Check™ is one way the Foundation helps Canadians make healthy choices and is based on Canada’s Food Guide.

A 2007 Heart and Stroke Foundation and Canadian Stroke Network study showed that reducing salt intake by half would eliminate high blood pressure in one million Canadians.

“Our Health Check registered dietitians selected these recipes based on strict criteria for the amount of sodium and fat content,” says Dr. Di Buono. “Canadians can trust that the recipes are healthy.” The recipes include a variety of options for salad, soup, vegetarian, meat, poultry, and seafood meals.

With the app, Canadians can create a grocery shopping list and rate their favourite recipes. It will be regularly updated with new recipes and features.

The My Heart&Stroke Blood Pressure Action Plan app

“High blood pressure − which is the leading cause of stroke − affects six million Canadians, and is known as the silent killer because of its lack of symptoms,” says Dr. Silver. “The good news is that with proper diagnosis and treatment of high blood pressure, you can cut your risk of stroke by up to 40 per cent.”
Developed by Foundation experts, the My Heart&Stroke Blood Pressure Action Plan app allows users to monitor and better manage their blood pressure. They will be able to assess their personal risk, track blood pressure readings over time, view graphs of blood pressure changes, share readings with their physicians, list their medications, set appointment reminders, and track their condition.
“The bottom line is that awareness of your risks, of the warning signs, and of prevention and treatment options are your best defences against stroke,” says Dr. Di Buono.
The free apps – which are available in English or French − can be downloaded at the Apple, Android, and BlackBerry app stores. Or Canadians can go to
Heart and Stroke Foundation helps Canadians turn the tide on stroke
The Heart and Stroke Foundation is a committed leader in stroke research, health promotion, and advocacy. The Foundation works on many fronts to help all Canadians live longer, healthier lives:
  • The Heart TruthThe Foundation’s The Heart Truth™ campaign educates women about identifying their risks and warning signs of heart disease and stroke. It provides women with the tools they need to take charge of their heart health: women can significantly reduce their risk — by as much as 80 per cent — by making simple lifestyle changes. (
  • A Canadian vision for stroke careThe Canadian Stroke Strategy is a joint initiative of the Heart and Stroke Foundation and the Canadian Stroke Network designed to support an integrated approach to stroke awareness, prevention, access to treatment, rehabilitation, and community reintegration in every province and territory. The Canadian Stroke Network fosters collaboration between more than 100 of Canada’s leading scientists and clinicians from 24 universities. This strategy is already saving countless lives, while also having remarkable influence on secondary stroke prevention and recovery.
  • Multicultural HSF resourcesChinese is now the number three language in Canada – right after English and French. The new HSF poll found that over 80 per cent of Chinese and South Asian women were interested in stroke and heart disease information geared to them. Eighty-one per cent of Chinese women and 78 per cent of South Asian women said it would be useful to have this information their languages. The Heart and Stroke Foundation has health resources in Cantonese, Mandarin, Hindi, Punjabi, Tamil, and Urdu to meet this need. Go to for more information.
  • A quivering heartbeat away from strokeThis year, the Foundation put the focus on a risk factor for stroke: atrial fibrillation. This condition causes an irregular heartbeat and increases the risk for ischemic stroke – stroke caused by a blood clot – by three to five times. It is estimated that up to 15 per cent of all strokes are due to atrial fibrillation.
  • Focusing on stroke research
    The research initiative Focus on Stroke encourages new researchers and health professionals to train in the field of stroke and supports newly established investigators. Celebrated as one of the country’s leading research partnerships, the Heart and Stroke Foundation and the Canadian Stroke Network received the first ever CIHR Partnership Award for this initiative in 2002.
  • Stroke knowledge saves livesRecognizing stroke warning signs and getting immediate medical attention have a major impact on survival and recovery. The Foundation recently launched its Stroke is Urgent awareness campaign to help Canadians recognize warning signs and how to react to this medical emergency.
